Getting a Tattoo With Your Bestie: A Special BFF story

Have you ever dreamed of getting a tattoo with your bestie or BFF? It’s an intriguing idea; a tattoo is a permanent way to declare the special bond with your best friend! Here’s a few things to think about and the story of two best friends and their tattoo experience.

Dani, and her best friend, Lindy, got matching tattoos to symbolize their 17-year friendship. This was Dani’s first tattoo! Who better to get it with than her bestie? Here’s a story about matching tattoos and the meaning behind the ink.

An Emotional Bestie Link 

Matching tattoos for friends creates a special emotional bond The tattoo is a constant reminder of that special bond. Your bestie tattoo holds a great story to tell others and serve as a special memory in the journey of your friendship.

Long-Distance Besties

Matching best friend tattoos are popular among long-distance besties. It’s a reminder of the friendship you have and how distance doesn’t matter! Long-distance best friend tattoos are sentimental and unique to both. 

Create New Traditions

Getting tattoos together could become a special tradition between you and your bestie! If you’re long-distance best friends, it could be every time you see each other or when something special  happens to both of you. Getting tattoos with friends is a celebration worthy of new ink and new traditions. You get to decide together!

A Special BFF Story: Dani and Lindy 

Dani and Lindy have a special story about the origins of their matching best friend tattoos:

“For a few years now, every time the stars align, and we can actually do something together, we have a conversation that goes something like this:

We Ride Logo

‘OMG it’s gonna be 80° on Wednesday, and we both have the day off.’

‘Oooh, we should paddle board!!!’

‘We ride?’

‘WE RIDE!!!’

It’s become our call to arms. It’s been our bestie adventure motto for years. we made a design that combined all our favorite activities.  We even put the design to put on our cars and hoodies. So it made sense to get bestie tattoos as well. We contacted a Nikki, a tattoo artist at Back40 Tattoo, shared our story with her, and she loved it. We made an appointment and did the thing!”

Bestie Tattoos we ride logo

Tattoo artist: Nikki Girany  

Getting a tattoo with your BFF is a big and special decision. Best friend tattoos are a bold way to proclaim your friendship. We love hearing stories like Dani and Lindy! 

Bonus: Here are some bestie tattoo ideas! 

Have a great tattoo story? Contact Us to be featured.

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